Xyron RSS

Card, Cathy Potosky, Design Team, Embossing Powder, Wild Whimsy, Xyron -

Cathy Potosky is here today with a sparkly, whimsical card! She uses the new Wild Whimsy collection with her Xyron Sticker Maker to bring this one together. Cathy will take it from here! I was so excited for this release and for being able to use the very cool Xyron Sticker Maker to help with this project. Wild Whimsy has so many great elements in it, the gem stamps are so perfect for making into stickers!! I got most of the gem stamps ready and embossed them using Rose Gold and Purple Metallic from Emerald Creek. I then took the strips...

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Cork, Design Team, Katelyn Clary, Rooted Love, Scrapbooking, Video, Wild Whimsy, Xyron -

Katelyn Clary is kicking off our Xyron Feature Week here on the blog! Our team has been excited to play with their fun adhesive and the new collection, released on March 1st, Wild Whimsy! Katelyn will take it from here. This fun paper pierced layout was truly fun to make! I've never made a layout like this before, but I really enjoyed getting creative with these papers. I love the wood grain papers that Wild Whisper produces, especially this one from Rooted Love. The Xyron sticker maker was absolutely awesome for helping to glue down these wave borders and my tiny sea shell...

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