Edmonton Summer Rock Cirkus and "Feel the Beat" by Linda

12x12, Creative Scrapbooker Magazine Sketch, Feel the Beat, Linda Pekrul, Wild Whisper Designs -

Edmonton Summer Rock Cirkus and "Feel the Beat" by Linda

Hi everyone!

Boy I had fun with this layout!  What a trip down memory lane!!

On August 23, 1979 Edmonton hosted the first outdoor concert in Alberta, at the brand new Commonwealth Stadium.  There was a lot of worry among stadium officials about having this concert in the new building, and the promoters weren't sure just how it would go over with Albertans. 

Well.... it was a stunning success with over 50,000 music lovers showing up to rock & roll... and my husband and I were two of them!!!  Peter Frampton & Heart were the headliners, but it was the Canadian band, Trooper, that stole the show.  Their version of the "Summertime Blues" had the whole audience on their feet.

Tickets were... wait for this... $20!  Oh yeah... things were good back in the 70's!  

To start with, I used this piece of paper from "Feel the Beat", and covered it with Glass Bead Gel through a 12"x12" star stencil.

Here's a close up of the gel... I love its grainy texture.

After gluing down the focal piece that I made at this Wild Whisper post, I splattered the background with watered down gesso.  I was very liberal with it and was going for big splashes.

Continuing on, I used the July sketch from Creative Scrapbooker Magazine to lay out my photos.

I liked the inner border shown on the sketch, so I drew a freehand one with a black marker and added musical notes all around.  

All embellishments for the layout came from the "Feel the Beat" Ephemera pack.


Creating a layout like this is why I love scrapbooking so much.  I was literally transported while I worked on it, to a very hot, sunny August day in 1979, when Edmonton came alive to the beat of Rock & Roll and I was there!





  • Rose

    Thank you so much for this post!
    This was my first concert! I went with my big brother & his friends, I got separated from my peeps but found my way back to the car before them! Country girl in the big city! Lol! I’m so grateful for the memories as my brother passed away in November of that year.😭😭

  • Tracy

    I was there but all I remember is Peter Frampton & I was never so excited in my life to see him and have been going to concerts ever since!!!

  • Tracy

    I was there but all I remember is Peter Frampton & I was never so excited in my life to see him and have been going to concerts ever since!!!

  • Mike Kelly

    Just came across your posting. I was the stadium manager for that first outdoor concert. Yes, we were very nervous about the various impacts Summer Cirkus might have on the venue and the city. It was a big risk concert for those many reasons. Glad you came, glad you remember and glad you enjoyed. PS Chuck Berry was indeed on the program and while he showed up at the stadium he was late, without his backup band and insisted on closing the show. While Streetheart offered to provide backup band support the promoter, including Martin Melhuish if I recall correctly, chose not to put Chuck on stage. He had other contractual obligations and Chuck wasn’t even on the initial program, being a later edition to the cast, and generally being unco-operative anyway. Thanks to our local rugby team providing backstage security, Chuck was denied access to the stage. Interesting stuff but now long forgotten.

  • Lise

    I think about this concert all of the time! My first concert ever. I live in California, I was visiting our family in Alberta and my cousin took me to this. I was 16. What an experience and soooo much pot going around!! Lol we brought a thermos of Rum and Coke! Wow! Now I know why I keep a good eye on my kids! Great experience

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