Palm Paradise | Rachel Lowe

Cut Files, flairs, Palm Paradise -

Palm Paradise | Rachel Lowe

Hello Wild Whisper friends. Here is Australia it is summer so this new release collection Palm Paradise is just perfect to start scrapping our summer photos.

How gorgeous are these papers and flairs! 

When you have a photo like mine, with lots of different colours going on use a multi coloured paper as I have, you will find it works especially if you use a white base paper. I loved the tropical flower paper, so before I cut my cut files I fussy cut several of the tropical flowers and leaves and set aside.

I have used cut files to create my sun and SUMMER title which I paper pieced with the tropical flower paper.  added the gorgeous tropical flower flair to the centre of my sun.

Here is where I added some of the fussy cut flowers and arranged under my cut file word summer which I added with foam tape so I could tuck them under. I also fussy cut two tropical birds from the bird paper and added on my title. To build my title I added black thickers from my stash and typed 'get together' on white card stock.

I added my photo with foam tape so I could tuck some more fussy cut flowers and finished off with another flair. This way I framed my photo without having to mat it.

I love how this turned out and it certainly says summer! Thank you for stopping by today and see you again next week.




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