Study Squad With Sara Scraps

12x12, 12x12 Layout, Cut Files, Flair -

Study Squad With Sara Scraps

Hello Fellow Creatives! Sara with your today sharing a layout featuring the One More Chapter collection. I'm a HUGE fan of this collection and Im sooo excited to get to use it again...and again....and see where I'm going, right?? 

 I just love that book stack element in the collection. I fussy cut three of them and then put a layer of Glossy Accents over them to give them some shine and pop!

I paired my book stacks with flair from the collection, sequins, and some wood veneer from my stash. 

I also took advantage of the beautiful branding strips on the papers. These branding strips are embellishments all by themselves. I used four to create a border across the top and bottom of my page. 

I knew I had a lot of journaling so I left myself a nice big area to write.

For my title, I decided to use a cut file from Cut To You. Perfect for a school page and the story i wanted to tell. 

Products Used-

One More Chapter 12x12 Double Paper Pack 

One More Chapter - Flair  

One More Chapter - Sequins

Have A Lovely Day! 




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