Katelyn's Wild & Free Adventure

Adventure, Design Team, Katelyn Clary, Scrapbooking, Sequins, Video -

Katelyn's Wild & Free Adventure

Katelyn Clary is back today with a throwback collection layout! She used the Adventure papers and card pack here to create this outdoorsy page. We love the details on this one and you cant miss her process video. Katelyn will take it away!
This layout features some photos of an adventure my boyfriend and I went on last summer. This lake was absolutely beautiful, it has special properties that give it such a unique color and clarity. He dared to go out on to some logs that had fallen on to the shore and in to the water. I however, was too scared to attempt and I was definitely not getting wet shoes! He made it out and back to shore safely without getting wet. It was a beautiful day for a beautiful hike. 
The Wild Whisper Adventure collection is perfect for documenting any outdoor activities. I love the stark contrast between the black and grays and the blues and greens. It provides a ruggedness, but still has patterns that imitate the delicacy of nature. Roughing up the edges with a distressing tool definitely gave the page more texture. I can't wait to document more memories from this day with this collection.
Supplies Used:
Thanks so much to Katelyn for sharing this beautiful Adventure layout with us today! To see more of her amazing work, check out her blogYouTube channel, and Instagram.


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