Farmhouse Friends by Katelyn Clary

Design Team, Farmhouse, Katelyn Clary, Scrapbooking, Video -

Farmhouse Friends by Katelyn Clary

Hello crafty people! It's Katelyn here today and I am sharing a multi-photo 12x12 layout process! I will be featuring the gorgeous papers from the new Wild Whisper Farmhouse Collection. Originally, I didn't think I would have a use for these papers, but I didn't need to look for before I found where the theme fit into my stories. I hope you enjoy!
I knew that when I found these photos of us feeding goats, I would have to use this collection! It's just too perfect. The barn door patterned paper would make a perfect base for those relatively neutrally colored photos. But I knew that I would need to accent it with neutrals to make sure it wasn't overpowering the page.
I decided to create a vertical format for my photos. I picked some of the neutral patterns from the collection like the branding strips and the script paper to line the edges of my photos. This makes it seem like there's a whole layer under your photos, but you use less paper! Must hoard all of the pretty things! 
My title starts as part of the cut apart sheet from the collection. I added some additional brackets and a doily to help the title pop. 
For some additional details, I cut out one of the little barns off of another pattern paper in the pack. To complete the entire layout, I used some splatters of a brown color shine spray. And that's it! You can watch the full process video here! 
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