12x12, 12x12 Layout, Design Team, ephemera, process video, Sara Scraps, Scrapbooking, scrapbooking layout, Video, Wild Whisper Designs -

Eat Sip Yum Chomp| Sara Scraps

Hello Everyone! Sara with you today! I have a brand new layout to share using the Until We Eat Again collection designed by Flip Appeal Designs. I just love Jenn's mod style and designs and I was so excited to dig into this line! 

I started with the background paper! I printed my photos to 3X4 so they would fit right on the dinner plate on the paper. I matted them with the solid blue paper so they would stand out against the busy-ish background. 

I used the ephemera pack to create clusters around my photos. I used foam tape on the top layer of the clusters for a bit of dimension and interest. 

I took advantage of the background paper to help me create my title. And the words on these ephemera pieces were perfect for my photos...easy title accomplished! I added some more foam dots to the back of the title, again just to add a bit of shadowing, depth, and interest. 

As always, I have a process video showing how my layout cam together. 


Have A Lovely Day! 



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