Covid Traveler's Notebook Insert by Jenn

6 Feet Apart, Coronavirus, Design Team, Design Team Discount, die cuts, diecut, ephemera, Jenn Gagne, Journal, Layout, process video, Scrapbooking, Traveler's Notebook, travellers notebook, Video -

Covid Traveler's Notebook Insert by Jenn

Hello, Jenn here!!!  This week I started working on my Covd-19 Traveler's Notebook insert and I thought I would share some of it with you :)

I started by taking screenshots of news articles, meme's, twitter and Facebook posts, and just about anything that has caught my eye since this all started for us in March.  I found many free printables including the amazing ones that Heather and Suzy created (click here for them!).  I chose a Wild Whisper Traveler's Notebook insert for my journal and the 6 Feet Apart collection to go with it.

I decided to add a little ephemera piece to the front of the insert as my title and then cut out the January, and February freebies from Persnickety Prints for my first two pages.  I put the January timeline on the inside cover with a couple of ephemera pieces, and used a piece of 12x12 paper to cover the first insert page for the February timeline.  Again, I added a few pieces of ephemera to embellish the February timeline.

For the next pages, I added the March timeline backed by a different pattern from the 12x12 paper pack with a little ephemera piece that says 'pandemic', and then I cut up several of the early headlines I had printed out to fill the second page.  I added the cute little roll of toilet paper and couple of other ephemera pieces to the bottom of the page with a little bit of journaling.  I think I will switch between pages with pictures and articles, and pages of journalling.  I'll be back in two weeks with an update on how far I've gotten in my documentation :)  

Thanks so much for stopping by!  If you want to see how I pulled these pages together, please visit my Youtube channel.  And, please remember that you can use my discount code DTJENN at checkout for 10% off your purchase of 6 Feet Apart and anything else in the Wild Whisper store.  Until next time, stay safe and Happy Scrapping :) 



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