C.A.S. Scrapbook Layout With Sara Scraps

12x12, Canadian Winter, die cuts, Sara Scraps, Scrapbooking, scrapbooking layout, stamp, stamp set -

C.A.S. Scrapbook Layout With Sara Scraps

Hello Hello Everyone! Sara here with a new layout to share using the Canadian Winter Collection.I'm absolutely in love with this collection- it's my favorite collection this release I think! And, on case you didnt know, I dont even live in Canada- its that good!

I have a clean and simple layout to share with you today and I love it! It features my sweet dachshund, Fitzwilliam Darcy, so that might have something to do with it...maybe...

My layout features a mixed font title, an easy to achieve grid design, and some fun die cuts from the collection! 

Products Used- 

Canadian Winter 12X12 Paper Pack 

Canadian Winter Card Pack   

Canadian Winter Ephemera Pack


And here is a process video to show all the details-


Have A Lovely Day 



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