Tori shares a Bible Journal Process Video!

Bible Journal, Mixed Media, No Place Like Home, Tori Bissell, Video -

Tori shares a Bible Journal Process Video!

Today we are thrilled to have Tori Bissell back with two wonderful bible journaling spreads! We adore how she incorporated the concept of "home" using the No Place Like Home collection with quotes that she was inspired by in her devotions. Below is Tori's process video of her creating these pages and from here we will let her take it away!

Hi Everyone, Tori here! Today I’m sharing two illustrated faith pages I made in my Bible using the March No Place Like Home collection. As soon as I picked up this collection I was inspired by the word ‘home’ and it got me thinking about what ‘home’ means to me.

I was trying to decide what to do my design team project when I remembered the verses I had read during my devotions that morning. I had read Psalm 113:4-9.  “The Lord is high above all the nations, and his glory above the heavens! Who is like the Lord our God, who is seated on high, who looks far down on the heavens and the earth? He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap, to make them sit with prince, with the princes of his people. He gives the barren woman a home making her the joyous mother of children. Praise the Lord!”

I was so struck by the fact that the God of all the earth looks down from heaven and sees me. I’m a nobody – I’m not anything special but God looks down and sees me! He lifts me up and welcomes me home so I can sit and eat with princes. It was the perfect reminder that when I feel like I’m not good enough God sees me and cares enough about me to welcome me home. When I feel lonely and out of place he welcomes me home. I am his and he is mine… there is no greater example of home than that, at least from what I can think of.
As I was sitting there thinking about this definition of home, I felt immediately drawn to another passage that speaks about home. The second passage was Matthew 7:24-27. In this passage Jesus is telling those listening that we should build our house on the rock, a firm foundation, so that when it rains and floods we will be able to stand tall. When I was feeling down, not good enough, lonely and lost my firm foundation in the word and doing my devotions helped me stand. As I wrote in my journaling, when you build your house on the rock – a strong foundation of His word you will be able to be steady. It’s not a question of if the rain will flood and if the winds will come but a question of when and if you will be ready.
I’m so glad this collection gave me the perfect opportunity to document these important lessons in my bible.  I kept one page pretty simple and the other one I used a little mixed media.

Supplies Used:
No Place Like Home 12x12 paper pack
No Place Like Home card pack
White Striped Washi Tape – Felicity Jane
Simple Stories Lights Snap Color Vibe Letter Stickers
Project Life Arrow Stickers Grey
Studio Calico Color Theory Acrylic Paint – Something Blue

Hope you enjoyed today’s blog and process video. I hope it also inspires you to think about what home means to you and to document that.

Xoxo, Tori

We are so thankful that Tori let us into her life by sharing these wonderful heartfelt pages. To see more of her incredible work, be sure to check out her blog, Instagram, and YouTube channel!



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