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Cork, Flair, Karla Yungwirth, One More Chapter, Stamping, Traveller's Notebook -

Hi friends! Karla here today, and I’m so excited to be back as a Guest Designer for August and September with two amazing new collections!! Today I’m sharing a layout about my two youngest girls reading - which they do a lot!! This collection is so perfect for documenting layouts about books, reading, school, library time... I just love it!! I started off by using the Project Life App to save my photos from my phone in a grid format of four pictures on a 4x6 photo. Then, I printed them with my Canon Selphy printer along with some journaling...

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Cat layout, Cork, Design Team, Fur Babies, Jenn Gagne, Scrapbooking, Traveller's Notebook -

Hello, Jenn here with a cute little TN layout about my sweet cat Salem, who loves his cat naps!   The Fur Babies collection is just perfect for scrapping all the cute little moments we catch of our four-legged friends.  I love how bold the colours are, and how well they contrast and compliment each other.    I used the burgundy cat paper to matte my three photos and the horizontal stripes paper to matte two of them and add some contrasting colours.  From the cut-apart sheet I cut out the square that says "Live Love Meow", the burgundy cat, and...

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Cork, Design Team, Katelyn Clary, Scrapbooking, Sequins, Stamping, World's Best -

Hello everyone! It is Katelyn here with a brand new project! I would consider this a different feel than a majority of my layouts. I think it has a more masculine/vintage feel, but that is also in part from the photos. These photos were all taken at the State House in Annapolis, Maryland. It is a must-see if you are visiting that area. It's filled with history which is what sparked this layout.  I started by picking out some vintage papers from the World's Best 12x12 Paper Pack. I loved the watercolor look to this tile-esque backgroun paper. I laid...

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Adventure, Cork, Design Team, Katelyn Clary, More Adventures, Scrapbooking, Sequins, Stamping, Wood Veneer -

Hello there crafty people! I am back with a brand new layout to share with you! This is a double photo 12x12 layout. I started off with a subtle background using this patterned paper from the Adventure Collection. I knew I wanted simple patterned paper layer behind my photos. I decided that my selfie would be backed with the arrow paper from the Adventure collection and the landscape photo should be backed with a light gray patterned paper from the More Adventure collection. After deciding my photo layers, I wanted to add something more to the layout. I decided to...

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Cork, Design Team, Focus on You, Scrapbooking, Small Patterns -

Hey there!  Felicia Young back with a layout featuring my two new family additions!  These two are the best and they follow me everywhere in the house.  Pebbles and Bam-Bam found my favorite blanket and are trying to make it their blanket, but I am going to claim it back once I wash it and put it away for winter.  They look so cute laying on it, Lol.   I am using the Small Patterns collection and the paper with the small diamonds on it was perfect for the black and white photo that I used for this layout.  Love this!...

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