Khristina's Traveler's Notebook Pages: Alice

design team, Happy Tails, Khristina sorge, Traveler's Notebook, Video -

Khristina's Traveler's Notebook Pages: Alice

Hey friends!

    Sometimes, I open up a package and there is just something that jumps out to me and begs to be used on a page. It doesn't always happen that way but when it does, I definitely try to listen. In the new collections from Wild Whisper, I opened up the box and rather than a whole collection one single paper spoke to me. This paper is from the new Happy Tails collection which had some really great and versatile papers inside!

This single paper with the doodled hearts on it just called my name! There are SO many options and ways that you can create something super cool with this paper. I decided that it would work amazingly well with some hand-stitching. I chose three little hearts to stitch and then used the template from one of them to create a matching stitch right on top of my photo! 

The beauty of it is that I didn't need very much else to finish the layout. I added a few epoxy hearts and some labels and that was it. Done! I seriously could use a pack of twenty sheets of this heart paper from Happy Tails though! I hope that you will stop by and check out the video as well as take on the hand-stitching challenge this month. 




Happy Tails Collection 


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