Felicia Shares a 3 Column Design

Design Team, Felicia Young, Home for the Holidays, Scrapbooking, Video -

Felicia Shares a 3 Column Design

Hey all! Today on the blog we have Felicia Young sharing a beautiful layout today. We love how she cut the antler paper from the Home for the Holidays collection into 3 columns to create a triptych. It adds a lot of design interest and the perfect place to add a vertical title. She embellished it beautifully with some white and gold heart stickers. Please enjoy her process video and detail photos below and we will let Felicia take it from here!
This page features a photo of our trip to Lake Tahoe, which is where we go every year with family and friends. The bridge is usually covered with snow and you can't walk on it, but this time it was clear and we had a chance to explore. I am no stranger to snow because I grew up in New York state where it sometimes falls a little below zero. 
Our family enjoys going to Lake Tahoe because we do not get snow where I live right now so it is nice to be able to visit the snow and then go home.  
Tahoe is also a great place to ski at Heavenly Ski Resort, snowboard, and you can also ride a horse-driven sleigh and that is something I missed while growing up in New York. 
Supplies Used:
Thank you so much to Felicia for sharing this wonderful winter layout today! To see more of her gorgeous work, check out her blogYouTube channel, and Instagram.


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