Butterfly House by Emily

Back to Basics, Design Team, Emily Ferrario, Palm Paradise, Pocket Page, Pocket Scrapbooking, Scrapbooking, Stamping -

Butterfly House by Emily

Hi everyone! Today I have a pocket page using the new Back to Basics collection and Palm Paradise. I love using bright colors, so both of these collections are perfect for that!

I love using scrapbook papers to create my own filler cards in pocket page spreads and I was able to do that a lot with these collections. The Back to Basics papers are so great to build on, and I was able to add fussy cut elements from Palm Paradise to complete the cards. 

For my title card I knew I wanted to use the brush letter stamp set. I wanted to spell out "Butterfly House" but butterfly was a little too wide. I decided to just stamp "house" and use tiny letter stickers for the rest. I liked the contrast of the words. I also had some butterfly puffy stickers laying around my stash so I thought they would be perfect for this spread. 

This day was actually a really cold day in November, but the inside of the butterfly house was warm and full of tropical flowers. The florals in the Palm Paradise collection worked great and I added one of the flair buttons to the spread to add some extra impact. 



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