Hey Wild Whisper Fans, Katelyn here! For today's post, I created this Adventure Awaits Explosion Box. To create my explosion box, I've used the Adventure Collection. Warning this post is long, so you'll want to grab a cup of your favourite beverage and learn how to recreate my explosion box at home.
To start, you'll need an explosion box, either pre-made or you'll need to make one.

From the adventure paper pack, you'll need the green triangle paper. Cut one piece that measures 4"x4" and a second piece that measures 3 7/8" x 3 7/8". Ink the edges of both papers using Black Soot Distress Ink and a blending tool with foam.

From the green stripe paper, cut four pieces that measure 7/8" x 4 1/8". Ink the edges of all four pieces using Black Soot Distress Ink and a blending tool with foam.

From the Black Wood paper, cut a piece that measures 3 3/4" x 3 3/4". Ink the edges of the paper using Black Soot Distress Ink and a blending tool with foam.

Choose two border strips. Cut one border strip down to 3 3/4" and cut the other border strip down to 3 1/4". Ink the edges of both border strips using Black Soot Distress Ink and a blending tool with foam.

Out of the Adventure Card Pack, you'll need the blue triangle 4x6 card, the 3x4 bark card, a stump, a tree, an arrow, wild word and the strip with triangles. Cut the blue triangle card down to 3 1/2" x 3 1/2". Cut the bark card down to 2 1/2" x 3". Fussy cut around the arrow, stump and tree. Ink the edges of the fussy cut images and cut cards.

Out of the Adventure Ephemera Pack, you'll need the Adventure Awaits sign, the & sign and the go and do words. Fussy cut around the & and sign. Ink the edges of the fussy cut images and word strip.

From the Adventure Flair, choose one of the Flair buttons.

Adhere the 3 7/8" square to the inside of the lid.

Adhere one of the strips to each side on the outside of the lid.

Adhere the 4" square to the top of the lid. Adhere the 3 3/4" square to the 4" square. Foam square the 3 1/2" square to the 3 3/4" square.

Adhere the bark piece 1/4" from the top and 1/4" from the bottom of the 3 1/2" square. Adhere the 3 3/4" border strip 3/4" from the bottom and 2 3/8" from the top of the 3 1/2" square. Adhere the 3 1/4" border strip 1/2" from the bottom and 2 3/4" from the top of the 3 1/2" square.

Adhere the triangle strip 3/4" from the left and 5/8" from the bottom of the 3 1/2" square. Adhere the stump 3/4" from the bottom and all the way to the right hand side of the 3 1/2" square. Foam square the Adventure Awaits sign 3/4" from the bottom and 1/2" from the right of the 3 1/2" square. Use adhesive and foam squares to adhere the tree to the right of the sign as desired.

Use adhesive and foam squares to adhere the & symbol slightly over top of the tree and stump as desired. Adhere the flair button to the bottom of the & symbol. Adhere the wild word to the bottom right side of the sign. Adhere the arrow underneath the triangle strip. Adhere the go&do word slightly overtop of the wild word as desired.

On my explosion box there are hearts, so I created a template out of white printer paper. You'll need the green triangle and blue leaves patterned papers from the Adventure Paper Pack. Trace the heart twice around the green triangle patterned paper. Trace the heart twice around the blue leaves patterned paper. Cut the four hearts out. Score down the middle of all four hearts. Ink the edges of the hearts using Black Soot Distress Ink and a blending tool with foam.

From the bark paper, cut two pieces that measure 3 7/8" x 3 7/8". Ink the edges of both pieces using Black Soot Distress Ink and a blending tool with foam.

From the arrow paper, cut two pieces that measure 3 7/8" x 3 7/8". Ink the edges of both pieces using Black Soot Distress Ink and a blending tool with foam.

Open up the explosion box so that you can see the outside of the box. Choose one square and adhere a arrow square. For the next square, adhere a bark square. For the third square, adhere a arrow square. For the fourth square, adhere a bark square. Adhere a triangle heart to one of the hearts. Adhere a blue leaves heart to the second heart. Adhere a triangle heart to the third heart. Adhere a blue leaves heart to the fourth heart. If there is overhang of the hearts on the kraft hearts, trim the excess off. Re-ink the edges of the hearts as needed using Black Soot Distress Ink and a blending tool with foam.

From the plaid paper, cut two pieces that measure 3 7/8" x 3 7/8". Ink the edges of both pieces using Black Soot Distress Ink and a blending tool with foam.

From the white wood paper, cut two pieces that measure 3 7/8" x 3 7/8". Ink the edges of both pieces using Black Soot Distress Ink and a blending tool with foam.

Trace the heart twice around the black wood paper. Cut the hearts out. Score down the middle of the hearts. Ink the edges of the hearts using Black Soot Distress Ink and a blending tool with foam.

Trace the heart twice around the green splatter paper. Cut the hearts out. Score down the middle of the hearts. Ink the edges of the hearts using Black Soot Distress Ink and a blending tool with foam.

Adhere a plaid square to the backside of the bark paper. Adhere the white wood paper to the backside of the arrow paper. Adhere the plaid square to the backside of the bark paper. Adhere the white wood paper to the backside of the arrow paper. Adhere a black wood heart to the backside of the triangle heart. Adhere a green splatter heart to the backside of the blue leaves heart. Adhere a black wood heart to the backside of the triangle heart. Adhere the green splatter heart to the backside of the blue leaves heart.
If there is overhang of the hearts that you can see from the front, trim the excess off. Re-ink the edges of the hearts as needed using Black Soot Distress Ink and a blending tool with foam.

From the Arrow Paper, cut two pieces that measure 1 3/8" x 3 7/8". Using a 1/2" circle punch, punch a bit of an opening on each piece. Ink the edges of the pieces using Black Soot Distress Ink and a blending tool with foam.

Choose two border strips. Cut both border strips down to 3 7/8". Ink the edges of the border strips using Black Soot Distress Ink and a blending tool with foam.

From the Adventure Ephemera Pack, you'll need the Adventure Word and Stories to Tell Word Strip. Ink the edges of both strips using Black Soot Distress Ink and a blending tool with foam.

Choose two Flair Buttons from the Adventure Flair Pack.

Put adhesive on three sides of the arrow paper strip and adhere to the bottom portion of the white wood paper. Adhere a border strip 1/2" from the bottom of the arrow strip. Adhere the Flair button and stories to tell word strip as desired.

Add a couple of photos to the pocket.

Put adhesive on three sides of the arrow paper strip and adhere to the bottom portion of the white wood paper. Adhere a border strip 1/2" from the bottom of the arrow strip. Adhere the Flair button and adventure word strip as desired.

Add a couple of photos to the pocket.

From the Adventure Card Pack, you'll need the black wood card, the card with leaves, three arrows and the let's go word strip. Cut the black wood card and the the card with leaves to 3"x3". Fussy cut the three arrows out. Ink the edges of the squares, arrows and word strip using Black Soot Distress Ink and a blending tool with foam.

From the Adventure Ephemera, you'll need the Wild & Free word, the stump, wolf and everyday square. Fussy cut around the stump and wolf. Ink the edges of the word, fussy cut images and square using Black Soot Distress Ink and a blending tool with foam.

On one of the plaid squares, adhere the leaves square to the middle of the plaid square. Foam square the stump to the top left side of the leaf square. Use adhesive and foam squares to adhere the everyday square 7/8" from the top and 1/4" from the right of the leaf square. Use adhesive and foam squares to adhere the wolf to the left of the square.

On the other plaid square, adhere the black wood square to the middle of the plaid square. Foam square the wild & free words to the top portion of the square as desired. Use adhesive to adhere the let's go word strip underneath the &. Use adhesive to three arrows as desired on the black wood square.

From the turquoise stump paper, cut two pieces that measure 3 7/8" x 3 7/8". Ink the edges of both pieces using Black Soot Distress Ink and a blending tool with foam.

From the bear paper, cut two pieces that measure 3 7/8" x 3 7/8". Ink the edges of both pieces using Black Soot Distress Ink and a blending tool with foam.

Adhere on of the bear papers to each square that is in front of the plaid square.

Adhere on of the turquoise stump papers to each square that is in front of the plaid square.

From the triangle paper, cut two pieces that measure 3 7/8" x 3 7/8". Flip the paper over and cut a piece that measures 2" x 2". Ink the edges of both pieces and the square using Black Soot Distress Ink and a blending tool with foam.

From the black stump paper, cut a piece that measure 3" x 3". Cut the square in half diagonally. Ink the edges of both pieces using Black Soot Distress Ink and a blending tool with foam.

From the Adventure Ephemera, you'll need the Wild circle, the Moutains square and the stump corner. Fussy cut around the stump corner. Ink the edges of all three pieces using Black Soot Distress Ink and a blending tool with foam.

Adhere the triangle square to the front side of the bear paper. Place adhesive on two sides of the black stump paper and adhere in the left corner of the square. Place adhesive on the bottom left half of the Wild circle and adhere to the corner. Place two photos in the pocket.

Adhere the triangle square to the front side of the other bear paper. Place adhesive on two sides of the black stump paper and adhere in the left corner of the square. Adhere the mountains square to the blue leaves square. Place adhesive on the bottom left half of the blue leaves square and adhere to the corner. Place two photos in the pocket.

From the green stripe paper, cut two pieces that measure 3 7/8" x 3 7/8". Ink the edges of both pieces using Black Soot Distress Ink and a blending tool with foam.

From the green splatter paper, cut a piece that measure 1 5/8" x 2 7/8". Ink the edges of the paper using Black Soot Distress Ink and a blending tool with foam.

From the arrow paper, cut a piece that measure 1 1/4" x 3 7/8". Ink the edges of the paper using Black Soot Distress Ink and a blending tool with foam.

From the plaid paper, cut a piece that measure 1 5/8" x 2 7/8". Flip the paper over and cut a piece that measures 1 1/4" x 3 7/8". Ink the edges of both papers using Black Soot Distress Ink and a blending tool with foam.

Choose three border strips. Cut two of the border strips down to 3 1/4". Cut the other two border strips down to 3". Ink the edges of all four border strips using Black Soot Distress Ink and a blending tool with foam.

From the Adventure Ephemera, you'll need the You Keep me Bear, Moutain, teal bear, no fear word strip and wild word strip. Fussy cut around the two bears and the mountain. Ink the edges of the bears, mountain and word strips.

You'll need one more Flair Button from the Adventure Flair Pack.

Adhere the green stripe square to the front side of a turquoise stump square. Adhere the arrow strip 3/8" from the left of the square. Adhere the green splatter piece 1/2" from the left and 3/8" from the top of the square. Adhere the 3 1/4" border strip 1/2" from the left and 2 3/8" from the top of the square.
Adhere the 3" border strip 1/2" from the left and 2 3/4" from the top of the square. Use adhesive to adhere the teal bear 1/4" from the right and 1/4" from the bottom of the square. Use foam squares to adhere the you'll keep me bear 7/8" from the right and 1 3/8" from the top of the square.

Adhere the green stripe square to the front side of a turquoise stump square. Adhere the black stump strip 3/8" from the left of the square. Adhere the plaid piece 5/8" from the left and 3/8" from the top of the square. Adhere the 3 1/4" border strip 3/8" from the left and 2 5/8" from the top of the square. Adhere the 3" border strip 3/8" from the left and 3" from the top of the square. Use foam squares to adhere the mountain 3/4" from the right and 2" from the top of the square. Adhere the two word strips as desired under the mountains. Use adhesive to adhere the flair button to the left of the mountains.

From the black stump paper, cut a piece that measure 3 3/4" x 3 3/4". Ink the edges of both pieces using Black Soot Distress Ink and a blending tool with foam.

From the Adventure Ephemera Pack, you'll need the Adventure Therapy word. Ink the edges of the word using Black Soot Distress Ink and a blending tool with foam.

Adhere the black stump square to the inside square. Foam square the Adventure Therapy word as desired on the square.

Here are a few closeups of the finished explosion box.

Here is the finished Adventure Awaits Explosion Box.

Wild Whisper Supplies Used:
- Adventure 12x12 Paper Pack
- Adventure Ephemera Pack
- Adventure Card Pack
- Adventure Flair
- Tim Holtz for Ranger Ink: Distress Ink - Black Soot and Blending Tool with Foam
- Recollections: Paige Evans - Small Memory Explosion Box
- Misc: 1/2" Circle Punch
Thanks for sticking with me through this long tutorial! I hope that I’ve inspired you to recreate my Adventure Awaits Explosion Box at home. For a discount on any of the products I've used today, make sure to use code: DTKATELYNG Make sure to continue to stop by the blog as the design team has loads of inspiration for you!