"Safety First" Layout by Felicia

Design Team, Felicia Young, Scrapbooking, Strong & Free, Video, Wood Veneer -

"Safety First" Layout by Felicia

Hello and welcome to our second blog post today. We now have Felicia Young sharing her latest creation - a layout called "Safety First". She has a process video to go with it, so make sure you chack that out below too!

A note from Felicia - "This is a photo of my granddaughter learning how to put on her bike helmet.  We taught her how to put on her bike helmet and let her try it herself to see if she could do it.  We always teach them Safety First before they get on their bikes to go off riding.  She was 4 years old in this photo and now at 7 years old she rides her bike like a pro always making sure she puts her helmet on first and the right way.  Teaching them good habits is a must that way they do not stray far from the good things they were taught."

The splattered mist on this layout compliments the tiny white stars in the Northern Lights image on the paper from the Strong & Free collection. We love how Felicia cut circles from some of the paper and cards to create clusters of interest on her page. She also used some of the pattern branding strips and heart wood veneers to add detail.

Supplies Used:
Strong & Free 12x12 paper pack
Strong & Free pocket scrapbooking card pack
Wood Veneer Hearts

Thank you so much to Felicia for sharing her project today! He see more of her stunning work, check out her blog, YouTube, and Instagram.


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