Out Guest Designer Khristina is Here!

Guest Designer, Khristina Sorge, Out & About, Scrapbooking, Video -

Out Guest Designer Khristina is Here!

We are thrilled to welcome our very talented guest designer, Khristina Sorge, to the blog today! She has already created a few projects that wonderfully showcase our product, but finally we have been able to share her work with all of you here. To start off, please be sure to check out her process video below. From here we will let her take it away!

My boys are obsessed with their Hawaiian Style as they visit the island often. This Out & About collection was perfect for documenting their style traditions. For some reason, those diamonds just begged for some hand-stitching. I also fussy-cut the bigger diamond from one of the 3x4 cards and used dimensional adhesive to raise that element up on the page.

I recreated the Volcom logo and stitched that element. The 3x4 cards from the collection made a perfect border element and adding some dimension adhesive to them created several layers.

Supplies Used:
Thank you so much to Khristina for sharing her talent with us today! We are so happy to have her as a guest designer and we are excited to share her next project soon. To see more, check out her YouTube channel and Instagram.


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